Posts about posts
- Using stata_kernel and Emacs Orgmode for reproducible research goodness
- Using stata_kernel and Jupyter Lab (or Notebook) for reproducible research goodness
- Tensorflow with Custom Likelihood Functions
- Make matplotlib histograms look like R's
- Teaching with Stata
- Using Autograd for Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Stata and Literate Programming in Emacs Org-Mode
- Estimating Custom Maximum Likelihood Models in Python (and Matlab)
- Reproducible Research and Literate Programming for Econometrics
- The Gordon Schaefer Model
- Part II: Comparing the Speed of Matlab versus Python/Numpy
- Comparing the Speed of Matlab versus Python/Numpy
- Tapping MariaDB / MySQL data from Ipython
- Comparing Stata and Ipython Commands for OLS Models
- Running R and Matlab Commands in an Ipython Notebook