clear set more off use "~/public_html/econ407/workshop/handson_data.dta" * generated in matlab by score=round(rsn(20,70,5,1.5))'; hist scores, bin(10) kdensity freq ci scores, level(95) bstrap r(mean), reps(1000) saving(bsdata,replace): sum scores * In our class experiment, we get [69.75,79.15] using the non-parametric. * Note: stata is using the normal approximation method * To use the non-parametric method, and not have to rely on normality, use this: * The short version estat bootstrap, percentile * To verify this, consider manually look at each bootstrap replicate (stored in bsdata), * sort them and pick off the upper and lower 95% ci's: clear use bsdata sort _bs_1 sum _bs_1 list if _n==25 | _n==975